What we believe
God's Word, the Bible, is our source for every belief.
It tells us that God created the world, but Adam's sin removed man's fellowship with God.
It tells us that God loved mankind, but that He still had to be holy--set apart from sin.
It tells us that a holy God dwells in a holy heavy, so no unholy (sinful, or, wrong-doing) person can be in a holy heaven.
It tells us that God chose to exact the full penalty of sin upon mankind: death and eternal separation from God in a literal place called hell.
It tells us that, in order to be both loving and holy, God had to create a plan to redeem now-fallen mankind from hell's eternal separation.
It tells us that, although God gave man the penalty of death he deserved, He payed the price in man's place.
It tells us that you and I are both guilty.
It tells us that Jesus, God in the form of a man, removed that guilt by taking its punishment Himself.
It tells us that we have a new life through that gift of forgiveness, and it's a life to be lived abundantly and to the fullest.
It tells us that those who believe this message of hope and redemption have a new plan for how to live:
It tells us to live in unity.
It tells us to reflect God's holiness.
It tells us to communicate God's love.
It tells us that God created the world, but Adam's sin removed man's fellowship with God.
It tells us that God loved mankind, but that He still had to be holy--set apart from sin.
It tells us that a holy God dwells in a holy heavy, so no unholy (sinful, or, wrong-doing) person can be in a holy heaven.
It tells us that God chose to exact the full penalty of sin upon mankind: death and eternal separation from God in a literal place called hell.
It tells us that, in order to be both loving and holy, God had to create a plan to redeem now-fallen mankind from hell's eternal separation.
It tells us that, although God gave man the penalty of death he deserved, He payed the price in man's place.
It tells us that you and I are both guilty.
It tells us that Jesus, God in the form of a man, removed that guilt by taking its punishment Himself.
It tells us that we have a new life through that gift of forgiveness, and it's a life to be lived abundantly and to the fullest.
It tells us that those who believe this message of hope and redemption have a new plan for how to live:
It tells us to live in unity.
It tells us to reflect God's holiness.
It tells us to communicate God's love.
Doctrinal Beliefs
Evangelical - Every individual follows Jesus because of individual choice instead of ritualistic, sacramental, or works-based salvation
Fundamental - We believe the five fundamentals:
Inspiration of the Scripture (it is infallible and inerrant)
Virgin birth/Deity of Christ
Substitutionary Atonement
Bodily resurrection of Christ
Personal Physical Return of Christ
Baptistic - believes in Believer's Baptism as evidence of and testimony to salvation. Baptism is not part of salvation but is a picture of it.
Dispensational - We believe God has worked different ways in different times through history based on the Bible's clear revelation.
Provisional - Not Calvinist and not Arminian. God does not hand-select who will and who will not be saved, but He does draw all men to Himself (providing grace to all, thus provisional). All must then choose to yield to that drawing to become a Christian.
Compassionate - We choose to love despite differences of opinion.
Fundamental - We believe the five fundamentals:
Inspiration of the Scripture (it is infallible and inerrant)
Virgin birth/Deity of Christ
Substitutionary Atonement
Bodily resurrection of Christ
Personal Physical Return of Christ
Baptistic - believes in Believer's Baptism as evidence of and testimony to salvation. Baptism is not part of salvation but is a picture of it.
Dispensational - We believe God has worked different ways in different times through history based on the Bible's clear revelation.
Provisional - Not Calvinist and not Arminian. God does not hand-select who will and who will not be saved, but He does draw all men to Himself (providing grace to all, thus provisional). All must then choose to yield to that drawing to become a Christian.
Compassionate - We choose to love despite differences of opinion.